Bank of america life plan campaign

Launching a new product is tough, and even more so if it’s a digital platform in a printed space. That was our task for this campaign. I brainstormed and concepted a variety of looks to try and not only promote Life Plan, but also explain what it is. Ultimately, we landed on using the bubbles as an eye catching graphic that could be placed in and around the phone to create something dynamic, unexpected in the space.

The layouts themselves provided plenty of space for the headline since we knew we would need a little more explanation on these, and I also selected imagery that represented different life stages to help drive home the idea behind the product, trying to tie in something relatable for the average consumer.

I developed over 100 different pieces for this campaign varying in size, shape, and messaging in order to outfit all 4,000+ financial centers, including custom die cut exterior graphics.


Merrill NextGen 529 Website


Chris Raesz P.C. Logo